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"九章講壇"第748講 — 楊志鵬 博士


應(yīng)yl7703永利官網(wǎng)邀請(qǐng),南方科技大學(xué)楊志鵬博士將于2023年10月24 日作線下學(xué)術(shù)報(bào)告,歡迎全校師生參加。

報(bào)告題目:Bayesian Approach to Inverse Time-harmonicAcoustic Obstacle Scattering with PhaselessFar-filedData.

時(shí) 間:2023年 10月24日(星期二)08:00-09:00

地 點(diǎn):理工樓631

報(bào)告摘要:This talk concerns the Bayesian approach to inverse acoustic scattering problems of inferring the position and shape of a sound-soft obstacle from phaseless far-field data. Given the total number of obstacle parameters, the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is employed to reconstruct the boundary of the obstacle in a high-dimensional space, which usually leads to slow convergence and prohibitively high computational cost. We use the Gibbs sampling and preconditioned Crank-Nicolson (pCN) algorithm with random proposal variance to improve the convergence rate, and design an effective strategy for the surrogate model constructed by the generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) method to reduce the computational cost of MCMC. This talk is based on the joint works with Ju Ming, Xinping Gui andGuanghui Hu.



楊志鵬博士本科畢業(yè)于yl7703永利官網(wǎng),之后在北京計(jì)算科學(xué)研究中心取得計(jì)算數(shù)學(xué)專業(yè)的博士學(xué)位,目前在南方科技大學(xué)李景治教授反問(wèn)題課題組從事博士后崗位的教學(xué)科研工作。主要致力于帶隨機(jī)輸入的偏微分方程的低耗時(shí)求解,貝葉斯框架下的反散射問(wèn)題,以及偏微分方程的系數(shù)反問(wèn)題等研究工作,目前已在 Inverse Problems、Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering、Journal of Scientific Computing、SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 等雜志發(fā)表多篇文章。



